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'Show me the Chart and I'll tell you the News' 

- Bernard Baruch

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About Me

About thomas Ng

Thomas is a Principal Trading Representative with PhillipCapital. He is also a registered Chartered Market Technician (CMT).

Being a seasoned stockbroker with more than 17 years of trading experience, he has served & helped thousands of his clients navigate the treacherous waters of the world's stockmarkets. 

Now, Thomas thinks that making consistent money in the stockmarkets or for that matter, any markets, is not really that difficult. For a start, you need to remember one basic principle - 'Successful investing is anticipating the anticipation of others'.

about eric lee

Eric is a Senior Account Manager with PhillipCaptal for more than 15 years. In the early days he was already captivated by the workings of Wall Street. Since then, a seed was sown and Eric is in a constant pursuit to decipher the world of investing through the study of business’ fundamentals & crowd psychology embedded in price charts.

Now Eric operates his trading/investment style with one basic concept - 'Fundamentals move prices & Charts reflects crowd psychology'. By combining both FA & TA, he is on a mission to apply this concept into an easy-to-understand Chart to infer a more rounded story on the stock price.

What is 'the Stockwhisperer'?

First things first. Both Eric & I are long-time traders & investors ourselves and through the use of Applied Technical Analysis we are extremely passionate about searching for the next stock that is going to make a sizable move.


Since we have already spent so much of our time scanning across major global markets for the next gem, we thought we may as well come up with a Subscription Service which you can follow and hopefully learn and gain in both knowledge & wealth.

what do we look at?

The three major markets we look at are Singapore, Hong Kong & United States. In particular, we often look at big cap stocks OR component stocks of the various major indices that are widely tracked within its respective markets. Occasionally we may dwell into smaller or mid cap stocks that showed immense potential or has a respectable institutional following. 


We are usually not keen on illiquid stocks as Technical Analysis, being a statistical science, does not exhibit its best behavior with low volume stocks.

Last but not least, the S&P500 Index is undoubtedly the world's most important index as the world's economy and stock markets are subjugated to it. Thomas tracks the S&P500 Index like a hawk and his reading on the pulse of the Index has been nothing less than exceptional. Please visit his site to find out more.

tools we use

Charts are our main tool, of course. To the uninitiated, a price chart has only 2 axis - price and time. To the professionals, there are many ways to slice and dice the data. Besides the usual technical indicators such as the RSI, Bollinger Bands & KST, we also incorporate fundamental data sets such as revenue growth, PE, PB or PS structures against the y-axis price. Through the expert use of applied technical analysis & fundamental analysis, we are often able to facilitate price discovery and clearly point out the upside potentials and stop loss levels.

Inter-market analysis has also been a keen area of focus for us. The long-held relationships between Gold & Silver, Crude Oil & the S&P500 Index, bond yields & Financials, Bitcoin & Ethereum, etc, are just some of the many interrelations we study.

What we offer / testimonials

On 30 Sep 2020, in the midst of the raging covid-19 pandemic, we started the Stock Whisperer as a value added service to our clients. When we come across a good trading or investment idea, we simply do a short and sweet broadcast via whatsapp to our clients. All of our clients value our calls and some have gave us glowing testimonials. please click here to see what they have said.

Some example of our calls were shown below, for your perusal.

Currently we are doing our soft-launch and readers who are interested can onboard our Telegram group**... 

**By onboarding to our services as per above, you'll have indicated that you would like to be in my Email/Telegram subscription list and/or for me to contact you for potential marketing, advertising and promotional purposes, overriding any DNC registration.


About us
My Services

They say seeing is believing.

examples of our calls

CSE Global (SGX listed)

CSE Global Daily 2 Aug 2020.png

UOB (SGX listed)

uob 23 Sep 2020.jpg

Listed on SGX since 1999, CSE Global has been very successful in offering cost-effective, totally integrated solutions to industries in the Oil & Gas, Infrastructure and Mining sectors ( On 8 Jul, CSE welcomed Temasek unit Heliconia as a strategic investor. On 21 Jul, CSE reported it secured 115m new orders in 2Q20.

Mkt cap $245m (note small cap risks), PE 10.2, Div yield 5.6% (source shareinvestor). RHB Securities issued a buy call on 17 July with tgt px $0.54.  

From the Chart, 4 key technical items to note: 1. support turned resistance at 0.495. 2. A sustained breakout with good volume abv resistance .495 is bullish (cup & handle breakout). 2. OBV shows bullish accumulation while price stagnated over the past 3 weeks. 4. Support of $0.455 can then be taken as cut-loss level should the uptrend fail to materialise. Also do note CSE is reporting earnings in the next few weeks so there could be earnings surprise risks.

Attached is the monthly chart of UOB over the past 15 years. Market is currently pricing UOB at a very low valuation of 0.8x PB, which is even lower than the GFC in '09 and that was a financial crisis then. Over the past 20 years, there's only 3x that UOB saw its PB drop below 1x. Since 2009, UOB had been growing its Book Value by 9.3% p.a. Part of the negative sentiment on banks is due to the low interest rate environment which based on FED's projection, likely to remain near zero till 2023. This is nothing new, as market had just experienced this low interest rate from 2009 to 2015 and look at how UOB's share price and book value performed. Another issue dogging the banks are MAS' statement to ask banks to cap their div at 60% of 2019's pay out, driven largely by the need to conserve cash. I think that UOB is flushed with cash, otherwise they would have offered a much attractive Scrip Div price instead of S$19.52 per share.

Lenovo Group, 992.HK (HKEX listed)

Lenovo Daily 9 Oct 2020.png

ThaiBev (SGX listed)

Thai bev follow-up 3 nov 2020.jpg

ThaiBev monthly chart is looking like the right time to invest into it right here right now. Using my Price-to-Sales Oscillator Index, we were able to pick out 4 buying opportunities (2011, 2015, 2018 and now).

This opportunity only comes about once every 3-4 years because we are looking at its monthly chart. The sine curve also helped us plot out the recent trough to peak movement and seemed to imply that it is looking to be bottoming up here.

ThaiBev's earnings announcement date is estimated to be on 23 Nov. DBS Research has a "Buy" call with a Target Price of S$0.90 dated 20 Oct (see DBS report below). 

MKt Cap S$10b , PE 11.5, Div yield 5.4%. Lenovo is one of the components stocks of Hang Seng Tech Index.
Recent buy calls by IBs (investment banks): UBS Sep target px 6.50; Macquarie Aug tgt 8.10; Citi Aug tgt 6.20, HSBC Aug tgt 6.40
'CFO Wai Ming Wong said PC demand has risen instead of falling amid the pandemic, riding on the work-from-home arrangement. He believed such demand will edge up steadily after the epidemic fades out.'
Since May low, price action has maintained a steady uptrend channel (green dotted).
Currently price is supported at the lower of the green uptrend channel and the blue 50-day EMA.
With MACD > 0 about to do a golden cross & RSI oscillating between 40-70 gives bullish bias. 
Should price fail to rally, you may consider 4.90 as a stop loss level (red bold line).

If you don't know jewelry, know the jeweler.

Warren Buffet

Let's Talk

Let's Talk.

250 North Bridge Road
Raffles City Tower #06-00
Singapore 179101


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